Roger J. Wendell
Defending 3.8 Billion Years of Organic EvolutionSM


For Sale I use this page to sell personal stuff that I own (Ham Radio equipment, computers, solar panels, climbing gear, etc.). I've never been fond of the high fees on eBay or how inconvenient it is to sell something on FaceBook Marketplace. Craigslist works pretty good but can be geographically limiting at times.
NOTE: I am quick to remove items from this page once they're sold. So, if you see something listed here that means it's still available!



Domain Names For Sale:

Yellow Arrow Pointing Right RockyMountainProducts.com (Redirects to this page)

Yellow Arrow Pointing Right RockyMountainServices.com (Redirects to this page)




Yellow Arrow Pointing Right Click Here for my shipping address, email address, telephone number, and other contact information...

Although PayPal is a bit costly
I am willing to use it at times:


  1. Buy Nothing Day
  2. Craig's List
  3. Ebay
  4. Steel it Back Police Auctions Online
  5. Internet Free Zone
  6. Zillow - Free valuations for over 67,000,000 homes




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