Roger J. Wendell
Defending 3.8 Billion Years of Organic EvolutionSM


Roger's Rules of Order

Kindly Remove Your Shoes

"Primum non nocere"
         (First, do no harm)


"Tomorrow is the most important thing in life. Comes into us at midnight very clean.
  It's perfect when it arrives and it puts itself in our hands. It hopes we've learned something from yesterday."
                                                             - John Wayne



"The fewer rules the better. Rules reduce freedom and responsibility. Enforcement of
  rules is coercive and manipulative, which diminishes spontaneity and absorbs group energy."
- John Heider's The Tao of Leadership, p. 113


"For what, in the final analysis, is morality but the command of conscience seasoned
  by a rational examination of consequences?"
- Edward O. Wilson in his book, The Diversity of Life, p. 351


Roger's Rules:

  1. Family always comes first
  2. The strong do not victimize the weak
  3. Never destroy another living thing without sufficient reason
  4. Never, ever, mix government and religion
  5. Abhor and avoid war
  6. Protect Nature and the Earth
  7. Recycle
  8. Limit office meetings to 55 minutes
  9. Limit teleconferences and video meetings to 50 minutes
  10. Limit family size to two children
  11. After age 25 you can't blame your parents
  12. Don't take anything without giving something back
  13. Don't compare your life with others, you have no idea what
    their journey is all about
  1. Give away 10% of your income
  2. Make peace with your past so it doesn't spoil your present
  3. Stay on the trail when hiking
  4. Never disturb a cairn
  5. Never give a teenager a new car
  6. Birthday parties are for children and elders
  7. Big weddings don't make cents!
  8. Don't let a little dispute injure a great friendship
  9. Spend some time alone
  10. When you lose, don't lose the lesson
  11. When you say "I love you" mean it
  12. Wilderness is sacred
  13. Don't wear shoes inside the house


"Every being in the universe knows right from wrong."
- Prot, in the 2001 movie K-PAX


"I shall pass through this world but once. Any good therefore that I can do or any kindness that I can show
  to any human being, let me do it now. Let me not defer or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again."
- Stephen Grellet


"Life's under no obligation to give us what we expect."
- Margaret Mitchell


Remove Your Shoes!

Shoes "This custom of removing your footwear before entering a home has many benefits; First, it makes for a much quieter environment, one without all kinds of footgear clanging around; second, it makes for a much cleaner home because you leave the dirt of the outside world where it belongs - outside; third, it puts everybody at their real height and does away with all this three-inch-heel intimidation; fourth, it provides a sensuality in walking about that the hard soles of a shoe deny you; fifth, it lets your feet breathe; sixth, it gives you a chance to show off your socks, a part of our dresswear that seldom gets seen otherwise; seventh, you can tell who is already in the house by giving the shoes outside a quick once-over, thereby avoiding contact with a person(s) you may want to avoid. I could continue, but I think you get the point."
- Dirk Benedict in his book,
Confessions of a Kamkiaze Cowboy, p. 124


Bonus Points:
Five Main Buddhist Precepts (PANCA SILA)

Buddha Heads
  3. MUSAVADA VERAMANI SIKKA-PADAM SAMADIYAMI (Refrain From Lying, Slandering, Gossiping and Spreading Rumours)


Not Killing and Not Hurting

No Killing
    (Click for larger view)  

The five Buddhist precepts can kind of considered to be similar to the Bible's Ten Commandments.
These precepts provide moral guidance for lay Buddhists as well as monks and nuns.
Here I again sum them up as they're so basic yet obviously important:




Simple Formula for Living




"Nothing Good Happens After Midnight"





  1. A Short Dance
  2. Barefoot - A lifetime without shoes!
  3. Creation Theories
  4. Deep Ecology
  5. Dhammapada (revered and authoritative Buddhist texts)
  6. Friendly Advice
  7. Leave No Trace - Center for Outdoor Ethics
  8. Life
  9. Links
  1. Memorials
  2. Proselytizing
  3. Reference
  4. Religion
  5. Robert's Rules of Order
  6. Spiritual Stuff
  7. Ten Essentials
  8. There is no God
  9. Writing by me...




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