Roger J. Wendell
Defending 3.8 Billion Years of Organic EvolutionSM


Bumper Stickers

Intelligunt Desine Bumper Sticker Off My Main Page - Spring, 2006 Archived from my main page each calendar quarter:




  • Biden - 4th Quarter 2024
  • Biden - 4th Quarter 2024
  • CRA - 3rd Quarter 2024
  • Colorado Repeater Association - 3rd Quarter 2024
  • Go Back to California - 2nd Quarter 2024
  • Go Back to California - 2nd Quarter 2024
  • Anti Communist - 1st Quarter 2024
  • Anti Communist - 1st Quarter 2024





  • Back of My Car - 4th Quarter 2023
  • This is the Back of My Car - 4th Quarter 2023
  • Carry Gun - 3rd Quarter 2023
  • I Carry a Gun - 3rd Quarter 2023
  • 8646 - 2nd Quarter 2023
  • 8646 - 2nd Quarter 2023
  • Philosophy of Failure - 1st Quarter 2023
  • Philosopy of Failure - 1st Quarter 2023





  • Russia Still Sucks - 4th Quarter 2022
  • Russia Still Sucks - 4th Quarter 2022
  • Public Sector Unions - 3rd Quarter 2022
  • Public Sector Unions - 3rd Quarter 2022
  • Ukrainian Lives Matter - 2nd Quarter 2022
  • Ukrainian Lives Matter - 2nd Quarter 2022
  • Antifa - 1st Quarter 2022
  • Antifa - 1st Quarter 2022





  • Everything Woke - 4th Quarter 2021
  • Everything Woke - 4th Quarter 2021


  • Recreational Plutonium - 3rd Quarter 2021
  • Legalize Recreational Plutonium - 3rd Quarter 2021


  • The Problem With Socialism - 2nd Quarter 2021
  • The Problem With Socialism - 2nd Quarter 2021


  • Who is John Galt? - 1st Quarter 2021
  • Who is John Galt? - 1st Quarter 2021




  • Socialism and Cheese - 4th Quarter 2020
  • Socialism Cheese - 4th Quarter 2020


  • Passing on the Right - 3rd Quarter 2020
  • Passing on the Right - 3rd Quarter 2020


  • Toilet Paper - 2nd Quarter 2020
  • Toilet Paper - 2nd Quarter 2020


  • Turn Signal - 1st Quarter 2020
  • Turn Signal - 1st Quarter 2020





    No Problem/Problem - 4th Quarter 2019
  • Don't Californicate Colorado - 3rd Quarter 2019
  • Don't Californicate Colorado - 3rd Quarter 2019
  • President Trump is in their way - 2nd Quarter 2019
  • Trump is in their way - 2nd Quarter 2019
  • Corporations - 1st Quarter 2019
  • Corporations - 1st Quarter 2019




  • NFL Sux - 4th Quarter 2018
  • NFL Sux - 4th Quarter 2018
  • Socialism - 3rd Quarter 2018
  • Socialism - 3rd Quarter 2018
  • Blue Sticker - 2nd Quarter 2018
  • Blue Sticker - 2nd Quarter 2018
  • Lack of Interest - 1st Quarter 2018
  • Lack of Interest - 1st Quarter 2018




  • CNN - 4th Quarter 2017
  • Is that true, or did you hear it on CNN?
  • Reunite Gondwanaland - 3rd Quarter 2017
  • Reunite Gondwanaland
  • Driving Close - 2nd Quarter 2017
  • Driving So Close
  • Shredded Cheese - 1st Quarter 2017
  • Ban Shredded Cheese - Make America Grate Again!




  • Honk if You're Amish - 4th Quarter 2016
  • Honk If I Left The Car Seat On The Roof Again
  • Honk If I Left The Car Seat On The Roof Again - 4th Quarter 2016
  • Honk if You're Amish
  • Detective Interview - 2nd Quarter 2016
  • Detective Interview
  • Hillary Is A Dope Dot Com - 1st Quarter 2016
  • Hillary Is A Dope Dot Com



  • IRS - 4th Quarter 2015
  • IRS
  • Get Involved - 3rd Quarter 2015
  • Get Involved
  • Hillary Clinton for President - 2nd Quarter 2015
  • Hillary Clinton for President
  • I found this humerus - 1st Quarter 2015
  • I Found This Humerus




  • TV Is gooder than books - 4th Quarter 2014
  • TV Is gooder than books
  • My Child Was Inmate of the Month - 3rd Quarter 2014
  • My Child Was Inmate of the Month at County Jail
  • Federal government is a dependent on my taxes - 2nd Quarter 2014
  • Federal government is a dependent on my taxes
  • Because a cop is too heavy - 1st Quarter 2014
  • I carry a gun because a cop is too heavy




  • I Love My Family - 4th Quarter 2013
  • I Love My Family
  • Don't Tread On Me - 3rd Quarter 2013
  • Don't Tread On Me
  • Gun Control - 2nd Quarter 2013
  • Gun Control permission www.gunshirts.com
  • Free State Project - 1st Quarter 2013
  • Free State Project




  • We are the ones - 4th Quarter 2012
  • We are the ones we've been waiting for.
  • The More You Know - 3rd Quarter 2012
       (Aboriginal Saying)
  • The More You Know, The Less You Need
  • Be Yourself - 2nd Quarter 2012
  • Be Yourself
  • Hypothetical - 1st Quarter 2012
  • Hypothetical Questions




  • Homeless - 4th Quarter 2011
  • If You Lived In Your Car
  • Hypermiling - 3rd Quarter 2011
  • Hypermiling
  • Get-R-Done Tomorrow - 2nd Quarter 2011
  • Get R Done Tomorrow
  • Custer - 1st Quarter 2011
  • Custer Wore Arrow Shirts




  • Rapture - 4th Quarter 2010
  • Rapture
  • 98% Politicians - 3rd Quarter 2010
  • Politicians
  • Shame on Israel - 2nd Quarter 2010
  • Shame on Israel
  • There's Probably No God - 1st Quarter 2010
  • There's Probably No God - Now Stop Worrying and Enjoy Life!




    • The Best Things in Life are not Things - 4th Quarter 2009
    • I can (and do) drive 55 - 3rd Quarter 2009
    • Free Tibet - 2nd Quarter 2009
    • Free Palestine - 1st Quarter 2009
    Free Tibet
    Free Palestine
    I Drive 55 Best Things in Life are not Things




    • Can I Teach Evolution in Your Church? - 4th Quarter 2008
    • There's no place like - 3rd Quarter 2008
    • Who would Jesus torture? - 2nd Quarter 2008
    • If You Can Read This... Call a Tow Truck... - 1st Quarter 2008
    There's no place like
    If you can read this... Call a tow truck...
    Can I Teach Evolution in Your Church?




    Bumpersticker: We Have the Fossils. We Win
    There is no spoon
    (from the movie, The Matrix...)




    • Insatiable is not Sustainable - 4th Quarter 2006
    • Speak your mind, even if your voice shakes - 3rd Quarter 2006
    • Intelligunt Desine - 2nd Quarter 2006
    • If they can get you asking the wrong questions
      the answers don't matter...
      - 1st Quater 2006
    Colorado Governor Bill Owens is a Texas Oil Lobbyist Bumper sticker by John W. Lacher that was in wide use during Colorado Governor Bill Owens' reign (1999 - 2007). Owens, a Texas native, didn't even bother moving to Colorado until his late 30s, in 1977, and then spent his political life serving big business and not the people of Colorado...




    • Si Hoc Legere Scis Nimium Eruditionis Habes
      (If you can read this you are over-educated)
      - 4th Quater 2005
    • Beef: It's what's rotting in your colon. - 3rd Quarter 2005
    • Am I being smart with you? How would you know? - 2nd Quarter 2005
    • No Bush, Know Peace - 1st Quarter 2005
    Your Silence Will Not Protect You
    Main page feature, fall 2005




    • The emperor has no brain - 4th Quarter 2004
    • Billionaires for Bush - 3rd Quarter 2004
    • Who would Jesus bomb? - 2nd Quarter 2004
    • Resist Much, Obey Little - 1st Quarter 2004
    Speak Your Mind Bumper Sticker Off Main Page - 3rd Quarter, 2006
    3rd quater, 2006




    • Question Technology - 4th Quarter 2003
    • Horn broke, watch for finger. - 3rd Quarter 2003
    • Heisenberg May Have Slept Here - 2nd Quarter 2003
    • "What Would Jesus Drive?" - 1st Quarter 2003
    Bumpersticker - Insatiable is not Sustainable.jpg
    4th quarter 2006




    • "The Road to Hell is Paved with Republicans"* - 4th Quarter 2002
      *I am a registered Rebpulican
    • "Extinction is forever" - 3rd Quarter 2002
    • A slice of pi     3.14159265358979323846264... - 2nd Quarter 2002
    • "If this sticker is blue you're driving too fast"
      - American Physical Society - 1st Quarter 2002




    • "Sane, paululum linguae Latinae dico." (Sure, I speak a little Latin) - 4th Quarter 2001
    • "If you can read this it means I've lost my trailer!" - 3rd Quarter 2001
    • "All your base are belong to us!" - 2nd Quarter 2001
    • "The gene pool could use a little chlorine!" - 1st Quarter 2001




    • "Visualize Industrial Collapse" - 4th Quarter 2000
    • "Inquire Within" - 3rd Quarter 2000




    Bumperstickers as I find 'em!

    UK Bumper Stickers - October 2006
    United Kingdom
    BOulder, Colorado Bumper Stickers - 01-15-2008
    Boulder, Colorado
    New Mexico Bumper Stickers - 10-03-2004
    New Mexico
    Māui, Hawai'i Bumper Stickers - 02-09-2007
    Māui, Hawai'i
    Don't Drink and Derive by Roger Wendell - 11-17-2008
    My own - Colorado
    Found on the Taco John's side of McDonald's parking lot in Grand Junction, Colorado by Roger J. Wendell - 08-30-2010
    One very rude message...
    This last sticker surprised me as I didn't know profanity was allowed in public but local authorities assured me it is! I saw this same Jeep parked at McDonalds (on the Taco John's side of their lot near 12th Street in Grand Junction, Colorado) on at least two different days so I decided to record the special message - even though I still don't know what it means and am always somewhat reluctant to put such things on my website...





    1. Books
    2. Did You Know?
    3. Humor
    4. Movies
    6. Quote of the Quarter
    7. Quote Quiz archive
    1. Signs of all kinds!
    2. Signs of Protest!
    3. Strange and unusual stuff
    4. Tidbits and Miscellanea
    5. Trivia and teasers
    6. T-shirt Hell
    7. Writing




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