Roger J. Wendell
Defending 3.8 Billion Years of Organic EvolutionSM

First licensed in 1970, Amateur Extra class license since 1982...
(I also hold a General Radio Telephone License)

Low Power Award

QRPp Low Power Award
     (Click image for larger view)
Who holds the miles-per-watt long distance recored?
According to Richard "Rich" H. Arland (K7YHA at that time, later K7SZ, and now SK), in World Radio magazine (February 1990, year 19, issue 89, pp. 46-47) the long-distance low power record is held by KL7YU and W7BVV. They were using one micro-watt over a distance of 1,650 miles on a 10-meter path between Alaska and Oregon in 1970. This is the equivalent of 1.6 billion miles (2.5 billion kilometres) per watt!


In 1993 I started what I called the "Earth Friendly Technologies" QRPp Award - The idea was to encourage even
more low power amateur radio operations and I was lucky to get a lot of exposure in these fine publications:

Arrow Pointing Right Click Here for a complete list of award Recipients
Arrow Pointing Right Click Here for ALL of the QRP calling Frequencies
Arrow Pointing Right Click Here for the N9SSA Miles-Per-Watt Calculator




Rules and Application Process:
(I'm still offering the QRPp award, on a very nice looking certificate,
and hope that you'll not only apply for the award but that you'll make
QRPp operating a regular part of your amateur radio activities!!)

  1. The applicant's transmitter output power, during the period of qualifying communications, was accurately measured to be less than one watt (QRPp).
  2. The distance between the applicant's transmitting antenna and the receiving station was over 63.3 miles (100 kilometers).
  3. No artificial means of active relay was used to complete the communications (i.e., repeaters, satellite transponders, digi-peaters, land-lines, etc.).
  4. Send a signed statement to the certificate manager (me!) affirming that the transmitter power was less than one watt, the distance was greater than 100 kilometers, and no artificial means of active relay was utilized. Provide the certificate manager with a photocopy of the station log, or photocopy of the confirmation QSL card (Electronic QSL cards are not acceptable), clearly showing the date, time, mode, and frequency on which the qualifying communication took place. If desired, provide the certificate manager with information concerning any endorsements (such as longer distances, even lower power levels, WAC, WAS, WAZ, solar power, etc.) that you may want listed on your certificate.
  5. Mail $8.00 USD ($11.00 USD for foreign), to cover the three P's (postage, paper, and printing) along with the aforementioned application materials to Roger Wendell at this address:

Roger J. Wendell - WBØJNR
QRPp Certificate Manager
P.O. Box 17174
Golden, CO 80402-6019 USA

Arrow Pointing Right Click Here for a email and other contact information...





  1. ARRL - Is your membership current?
  2. Antennas!
  3. Coast Guard Radio
  4. CQC Colorado QRP Club
  5. Maritme Radio
  6. Miles-per-Watt Calculator by N9SSA
  7. Morse code - A Tribute to Morse Telegraphy!
  8. Morse Code Company
  9. Q and Z signals
  10. QRP
  11. QRP Award Recipients
  12. QRP Calling Frequencies
  13. QSL Cards

ARRL Diamond
Is your ARRL membership current?

Click on this handkey for
the QRPp International club!
Spacer CQC Logo
Click on this logo to visit
a great QRP club!
Spacer QRP ARCI Logo
Click on this logo to visit
a great QRP resource!




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